Adding external images

Placing external images into a walk record

What are external images?

If you’re taking pictures with another camera while you’re using NatureNotes, you may want to merge some or all of the pictures into the corresponding NatureNotes walk record.

If you use another camera app inside your device to take pictures these are NOT considered to be external images. They would typically be imported into NatureNotes using the +Library images function in the observation pages.

First copy the images into a folder

The photo files must be placed inside a folder to be recognized by NatureNotes.

The example to the right has a set of 81 jpeg files taken on a trip to Joshua Tree in Southern California. The goal is to transfer all relevant images into the Big Morongo Preserve walk record. We don’t actually need to know which images need to be copied, since NatureNotes will filter them out for us.

Filetypes other than jpeg must be converted to jpeg for NatureNotes to recognize them as valid images.

Copy the image folder to the NatureNotes directory on the device

Follow the steps described in the Sending large files tutorial to connect your device to the computer that has the photographs and drag the image folder into NatureNotes.

Use NatureNotes to import the correct images

Select the main menu on the walk listing page in NatureNotes to access import features.

Select Import photos and audio files to walks.

The next window will list all folders that contain jpeg images that are available for import.

Set up the import

Click on the folder to import.

It’s possible to import photos without an existing walk record. But we want only to import into Big Morongo Preserve. Therefore select Distribute into existing walks.

The next screen lists all walk records that are compatible with the set of photos. The photos were matched with the GPS track recorded for each walk to determine which ones “fit” within each walk record.

Because we’re only importing into Big Morongo, first de-select all of the records.

Now re-select Big Morongo Preserve.

Then press the Next button in the upper right corner. An option to select image size appears.

Image size is important in two respects: First, images are large, and they can quickly overwhelm storage memory. Second, images that are too small won’t look good on the screen, and won’t transfer well to larger screens if necessary. You can import a full-sized image but it probably won’t improve the resolution on the device.

Select import to start the import process.

The number of images imported will be reported after the import is complete. In this example, eight images matched with the walk record.

After importing, you can go into the walk record and select Edit observations to peruse the new records.

The records with imported images are listed with yellow image icons.

The imported items are interspersed chronologically with the previously-existing observations.

Opening the map and selecting Show images will show the imported images in their correct locations along the travel path.